15/09/2022 - Luton to commemorate life and reign of Queen Elizabeth II

Everyone is invited to join the National Moment of Reflection at Town Hall.
Luton residents are invited to commemorate the life and reign of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II by joining the national ‘Moment of Reflection’ at a special event on the steps of Luton Town Hall this Sunday evening (18 September).
The Town Hall will be lit up especially for the event, but moments before 8pm the lights will go out and hand-held tea lights, which will be provided to those attending, will be the only illumination during the Moment of Reflection.
Starting at 7.30pm there will be readings, prayers and performances and we will also be hearing recollections from Luton people who met the Queen on some of her frequent visits to the town.
Councillor Sameera Saleem, Mayor of Luton said:
“We will be gathering at the Town Hall to mark the National Moment of Reflection and to give everyone in Luton the opportunity to come together one last time in a moment of solidarity and remembrance for Her Majesty.
"This will, I am sure, be a poignant and moving occasion for all present. It will be an iconic moment in the town's history."