02/12/2022 - Consultation launched charting Luton’s path to net zero

Luton Council is asking for people’s views on its Net Zero Roadmap, which sets out how its vision of a net zero town by 2040 will be achieved.
Priority actions to reduce emissions over the next five years are identified in the roadmap, encompassing housing, non-residential buildings, transport, biodiversity and resilience, waste and consumption and London Luton Airport. A framework for fostering partnerships with local anchor organisations, businesses and community groups is included as part of the roadmap.
The roadmap also outlines the process for embedding climate resilience in the town’s buildings, public spaces and infrastructure as well as how London Luton Airport will become one of the UK’s most sustainable airports.
Councillor Tom Shaw, Portfolio Holder at Luton Council for Climate Change said “We are setting out both what a net zero town could look like and how it will be achieved by 2040. As a council, we will be putting the response to climate change at the heart of all our activities. But working with local organisations and our residents is crucial to realising a net zero Luton. Only through collaboration can we share best practice and implement action.”
“That is why we are asking what people think. I strongly encourage our residents to give us their views on the approach and actions outlined - we want our town to shape how we will achieve net zero.”
The views of Luton’s residents will help to finalise the roadmap before it’s presented to Luton Council’s Executive for adoption and action.
The consultation is now open and will run until 27 January 2023. Details can be found on our engagement portal www.luton.gov.uk/letstalk.