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Luton Borough Council

Arts and Culture - our strategic vision


Arts, culture and creativity are central to the Luton 2020-2040 vision for a place where everyone can thrive. Participation in cultural activity develops social capital and enables local people to lead happy, healthy and prosperous lives.

A local creative economy gives us access to the benefits of an industry that contributes £111.7bn annually to the UK economy and arts education supports children and young people to grow into free thinking, imaginative, fulfilled adults with a confident view of themselves and their place in the world.

Our vision and mission

A vision for Luton: A town transformed by vibrant arts, culture and creativity that brightens the lives and life chances of everyone in Luton.

Our mission: To enable a diverse cultural offer that empowers people to dream and aspire, supports communities to grow strong and sustainable and develops a vibrant, inclusive creative economy that supports everyone in Luton to thrive.

This strategy positions arts, culture and creativity at the centre of Luton’s economic, social and educational future – a beating heart in its transformative journey. It will be embedded in how we:

  • design public space
  • encourage inward investment and job growth
  • foster pride and partnership amongst our communities
  • build a thriving town centre economy – both day and night
  • improve the health and wellbeing of our residents
  • support our children to grow and thrive

It aligns the work of arts, culture and creativity in Luton to three outcomes and four priorities which outline what we need to do to achieve our ambitions.

The Harnessing Momentum strategic vision is available to download below.


© 2025 Luton Council, Town Hall, Luton LU1 2BQ