Luton Borough Council
Luton Arts Fund
Harnessing Momentum, the ten year strategic vision for the arts, cultural and creative industries, is a vision that builds on the strengths of the local cultural scene and aims to make Luton an inclusive, flagship place of culture.
To support this strategy, the Luton Arts Fund enables artists and arts organisations to be ambitious, creative and imaginative in the delivery of projects that help achieve Harnessing Momentum.
Together with ourselves, the Luton Arts Fund has been generated through contributions from four other partner organisations:
The fund supports a wide range of project activity and is open to any arts organisation (except partner contributors), artist or collective of artists, that is proposing arts activity for delivery within the Luton Borough Council area.
When can you apply?
We are currently seeking investment for the Luton Arts Fund 2020-2022. Further information on future funding rounds will be released here in due course. For further information, contact
[email protected] and request to join the Luton Creative Forum
© 2024 Luton Council, Town Hall, Luton LU1 2BQ