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Luton Borough Council

Sport and physical activity: our policies and strategies

Here, you can learn about, and read:

  • our long term plans for sport and physical activity in Luton (delivery plan)
  • how we are going to make these changes happen (action plans)

Luton council has recently refreshed our ‘Sport and Physical Activity Strategic Delivery Plan’ which sets out how the council and our partners will reduced physical inactivity within Luton and support the local community to be more physically active between 2024-2040. 

Luton’s vision for it’s 2024 - 2040 delivery plan is to ‘create a system and environment that increases physical activity and reduces inactivity levels across the borough of Luton.’ The delivery plan adopts a whole systems approach to tackle physical inactivity which involves co-production working with local residents, schools, partners and stakeholders at different levels in order to influence change within the system to produce better outcomes specifically around:

  • physical activity
  • obesity
  • prevalence of non-communicable diseases
  • mental wellbeing
  • active and sustainable transport, whilst tackling local inequalities

The council conducted a phase one consultation on the draft sport and physical activity strategic delivery plan from November 2022 to February 2023. A total of 281 responses were received from adults, organisations and children and young people. A key aspect of the phase one consultation was to gather residents and the local community’s views and opinions on the draft sport and physical activity strategy and the four priority themes. 

  • Theme 1 - creating active people: Giving people the chance to be more physically active
  • Theme 2 - creating active systems: Looking at how we work and what can be done to improve and help more people be active
  • Theme 3 - creating active environments: Looking at how people get around Luton, and what can be done to improve this and help people be more active.
  • Theme 4 - creating active societies: Helping people understand why it is important to be active

Under the umbrella of Luton’s Sport and Physical Activity Strategic Delivery Plan, are also Luton Playing Pitch Strategy and Luton’s Indoor Sports Facilities Strategy, which are in the process of being refreshed with a consultation launching on 22 April 2024, these strategies are non-committal documents but provide a strategic framework for the maintenance and improvement of outdoor and indoor sports and ancillary facilities. 

The council conducted a further public consultation (phase 2 consultation) in 2023 which involved consulting on the final version of the ‘Sport and Physical Activity Strategic Delivery Plan’ and the priorities identified. The consultation ran for eight weeks commencing from Monday 16 October 2023 and closed at midnight on Monday 4 December 2023, receiving 449 responses from adults and children and young people. The final strategy focuses on three priority themes; create active people, create active environments and create active societies, with key priorities in each area which are being undertaken by each of the three sub-groups.

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To create active people, we must create, develop and promote access to safe, enjoyable opportunities and programmes to allow individuals and communities of all ages and backgrounds to regularly be physically active.

Priorities for theme 1

  1. Priority 1: Encourage and create access to sport and physical activity opportunities to support people to become more physically active
  2. Priority 2: Support effective sport and physical activity pathways to allow people to progress into activity

To create an active environment we will collaborate across planning, housing, policy, transport and other infrastructures and partners to access factors that influence when and how people chose to be active; including the importance of healthy streets and utilising the newly developed healthy place framework. 

Priorities for theme 2

  1. Priority 1: Protect and enhance Luton's sporting infrastructure
  2. Priority 2: Active Travel (travelling via walking, jogging or cycling)
  3. Priority 3: Built Environment 

To create new values in all of our communities by enhancing the knowledge and understanding of, the multiple benefits of regular physical activity and reduction in sedentary behaviour, whilst ensuring there is a competent workforce and volunteer network for sport and physical activity. 

Priorities for theme 3

  1. Priority 1: Skill and training opportunities for the Workforce
  2. Priority 2: Communication and marketing campaigns through social media
  3. Priority 3: Create and develop strong relationships with the community, in order to understand the needs and demands locally

Our key partners to deliver this plan include Sport England, Active Luton, Be Active, Luton Sport and Physical Activity Network, Luton Clinical Commissioning Group, East London Foundation Trust, local community and voluntary groups, the University of Bedfordshire, national sports governing bodies (e.g. Football Association) and Luton schools.
Together with these partners we are have created three priority sub-groups (create active people, create active societies and create active environments) and an overall ‘strategic steering group’ to co-ordinate and oversee the delivery of the agreed priorities and outcomes via the action plans. 

If you would like copies of the most recent action plans, please email: [email protected]

Once the strategies have been adopted, they will be uploaded below. 

Our sport and physical activity strategy will adopt a whole systems approach to tackle physical inactivity, this will involve co-production working with local residents, schools, partners and stakeholders at different levels in order to influence change within the system to produce better outcomes specifically around physical activity, obesity, mental wellbeing and active and sustainable transport, whilst tackling local inequalities. To understand more of what this will look like, please watch our video below.


© 2025 Luton Council, Town Hall, Luton LU1 2BQ