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Luton Borough Council

Scrutiny panel


Who we are and what we do

The overall objective of the Housing Scrutiny panel (HSP or panel) is to review housing services working practices to determine if policies and procedures are being followed. The panel contribute to the review and development of council policy and make recommendations to enhance and improve service delivery. The Housing Scrutiny panel is an independent and autonomous group of recruited council tenants and leaseholders from across the town. This is done by:

  • running well managed meetings, which have a clear agenda
  • helping to achieve luton council’s commitment to co-operative council principles by scrutinising performance and processes within housing
  • being customer focused and accountable to the wider customer base
  • scrutinising (not writing) housing related policies and practices with the aim of providing efficient and effective services, high standards and good customer satisfaction
  • We work closely with the housing portfolio holder and housing service managers. Scrutiny members need to bring a wide range of life skills and experience. Training is provided.

    During 2023/24 the panel scrutinised tenancy officers (previously called housing officers) communication issues with tenants. The process included having conversations with tenancy officers and surveys with tenants. We are working with the tenancy services team to make improvements to identified issues.

    We use customer survey results, complaints information, performance reports and direct communication with residents and staff to determine which areas to focus on and scrutinise. Survey results are often the starting point for more investigation. We have strong links with the Tenant Partnership board and work together to make decisions.

    How to get involved with the panel

    The panel can provide a perfect role for tenants and leaseholders with a keen interest in improving social housing and drilling down to the details. The panel needs committed members with the skills and knowledge to be able to commit to this challenging, yet rewarding and important role. There is an application process for this role.

    Please register your interest with the council’s Tenant Participation team by emailing them on [email protected] and they will contact you to explain the process to you.

    Steve Berresford - Chair said: "we welcome council tenants and leaseholders visiting our meetings as observers to see how our group works. A little bit of your time could help us improve the way we work together as residents and with council housing teams. We believe we can all contribute to the scrutiny process and would welcome new members. Come and try out a taster session, it’s a great way to see how the process works and meet the team."

    Don’t forget there is a full range of ways you could get involved. Contact the Tenant Participation team to highlight your interest. You don’t need to have any special skills or experience to make a real difference. Once you have contacted the team, they pledge to get in touch with yourself within five working days.

    Anyone can make a difference no matter who they are.

    How to request archive minutes

    You can request a copy of old minutes from our tenant board meetings by getting in touch with our Tenant Participation team by emailing them on [email protected] or you can complete the following form and request them there.

    © 2024 Luton Council, Town Hall, Luton LU1 2BQ