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I think abuse is taking place - what should I do?


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If you think abuse is taking place - either against you or someone you know - please call the Safeguarding Adults team straight away on 01582 547730 or 01582 547563.

Should I call the police?

If you think a crime has been committed against somebody who cannot protect themselves from abuse you should call the police.

In emergency situations you should call 999.
In non-emergency situations you should call 101.
The police have a duty to investigate crime. For example, if you think that a person has been financially abused, the police will determine if theft has occurred. If there is evidence to support this they may pursue a criminal prosecution.

How can our safeguarding team help?

Our Safeguarding Adults Team aims to work with the person who has been abused to safeguard them from the harm they are facing . For example, if the police are investigating a possible financial crime, the safeguarding team will work with the person to help them protect their money.

The Safeguarding Adults Team will put the person who has been abused in control. Where the person does not have capacity to make a decision about what steps they wish to take, the team will work with the most appropriate people, such as their family and friends, to ensure the best interests of the person are met.

Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards

There may be times when important decisions need to be made about how your needs can best be met, for example should you move into a care home. If you cannot make that decision because you do not have the intellectual capacity to do so, there is a process that the law says must be followed to ensure that your human rights are met. If the people making decisions on your behalf think a decision needs to be made which would deprive you of your liberty, they must do it in a way that doesn’t break the law. At the bottom of this page you’ll find a booklet which has more about this protection called ‘Deprivation of liberty safeguards’.

What will happen if I report an abuse?

If you are concerned that abuse is taking place, please call the Safeguarding Adults team. They will listen to you and ask you some questions about what you have seen and heard, or what you know. This is important because it helps the team decide what needs to be done to stop the abuse so the person you are concerned about is safe and their rights are protected. They will also consider if anyone else might be being abused and how they can be kept safe.

If you are worried about reporting a situation because you are not sure whether it is abuse, you should still contact the Safeguarding team who will be able to tell you whether it is a safeguarding matter. If it isn’t they will put you in touch with the right organisation so you can receive help and support.

If you are worried about what will happen to the person suffering abuse or the abuser if you make a report, the Safeguarding Adults team will explain the process. It’s important that you call the team with your concerns so that the person being abused can be made safe and they get the help they need. It’s also important that you report any suspected abuse as it could also be happening to other people.

Remember…. If in doubt – shout!



Contact info
Adults safeguarding team

Tel: 01582 547730

[email protected]


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