Luton Borough Council
Health and wellbeing board

The board brings together the organisations with key responsibilities for commissioning services with representatives of the local community to tackle the key health issue facing Luton.
Organisations currently represented on the board are:
- Luton Borough Council
- Luton Community Safety Executive
- Healthwatch Luton
Chaired by Cllr Hazel Simmons, the Leader of the Council, the board has agreed its work programme in response to its statutory requirements. Particular responsibilities include:
- the development of a Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA)
- the development of a Health and Wellbeing Strategy, based on the JSNA
- promoting integrated working across all health and social care services
Recent issues considered by the board include:
- Better Together - a joint programme to improve the health and wellbeing of Luton’s residents of all ages by better working between organisations, sharing information and delivering seamless and personalised services
- Winter Pressures – the plan to ensure that local health services are able to respond to increased demand during the winter period
- Healthy Child Programme – the programme of screening, assessment and intervention to
The Health and Wellbeing Board will be supported by three delivery boards, based on the three priority outcomes of the Health and Wellbeing Strategy:
- Children’s and Young People’s Trust Board - every child and young person has a healthy start in life
- Health Inequalities Delivery Board - reduced health inequalities within Luton
- Healthier and More Independent Delivery Board - healthier and more independent adults and older people
The board also has a specific responsibility to ensure broad community engagement in the health and social care agenda. Local Healthwatch, which came into being in April 2013, will have a key role in ensuring that the views of patients and the general public, as well as those of voluntary and community sector organisations are heard by the Health and Wellbeing Board. Local Healthwatch in Luton will be an independent local consumer champion bringing together people’s views and experiences to improve health and social care.
Past meetings
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