Luton Borough Council
13/08/2024 - HET Showcase session
Not to be missed! Health Equity Town (HET) Showcase session on Thursday 29 August from 10 to 11.30am on Teams
Please join this free online session where HET prize winners will:
- present their experience of running HET funded projects (funding awarded in 2023) provide
- evidence of making a difference
On the agenda will be:
- ‘grow your potential’ about their youth club
- PEP project’ about employment opportunities for people with learning disabilities
- ‘frequent attendants’ of primary care health services
The session is free to join and will take up to 1.5 hours, covering presentations from the 3 winning projects, including time for questions and answers.
The purpose of the showcase session is to share and learn about tackling health inequalities. Come and join in, and embrace inspiring journeys.
Let us know that you will attend: [email protected].
Meeting information:
Microsoft Teams
Meeting ID: 343 012 558 064
Passcode: HyRXWQ
© 2025 Luton Council, Town Hall, Luton LU1 2BQ