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Luton Borough Council

Gypsy, Roma and Traveller History Month 2024 – now live


Gypsy, Roma and Traveller History Month 2024  

A report has been created with the help of The University of Bedfordshire, identifying the challenges that the ROMA communities face.

The Gypsy, Roma and Traveller communities are often faced with inequaqities and continue to have one of the poorest health outcomes within the UK.

The reasons for poor health outcomes within this community prove to be complex. However the impact of discrimination, stigmatisation and accessing healthcare often remain at the forefront of these challenges.

These communities are more likely to experience higher prevalence of long-term illness, health complications and disabilities.

The report was developed based on the TLC theory in 2021 with BLMK funding. From the findings, Luton Roma Trust has raised awareness about how services can support this community. However there are still challenges and limitation with translation services.

Visit the Gypsies, Roma and Travellers website to see:

  • this year’s brochure
  • education pack
  • digital engagement pack
  • social media templates

Friends, families and travellers have been working on resources for this year’s Gypsy, Roma and Traveller History month. Please see below a recap of the digital resources that have been put together:

  • an education pack: designed to provide insight into the rich histories, traditions, and cultures of travelling communities, while raising awareness about the difficulties experienced throughout the years
  • digital engagement pack which offers guidance and information on celebrating and marking GRTHM ’24 online

Feel free to share the resources with anyone you think might be interested. Please also share what you’ve got planned and what you get up to throughout June by:

  • tagging @FriendsFamiliesandTravellers or @GypsyTravellers
  • using the #GRTHMFamilies and #GRTHM24 hashtags
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