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Luton Borough Council

Enterprise coordinator role activity


Careers education plays a pivotal role in achieving the Luton 2040 vision of a child friendly town where our children and young people grow up feeling happy, healthy and secure.

Access to good careers education ensures that:

  • every child from all backgrounds receives an excellent offer raises aspiration and experiences
  • everyone has the chance to make choices about and succeed in their future

NEET (not in education employment or training) has been identified a pre-determinant of health inequality. Some young people face multiple difficulties in making their next best step. It's recognised that careers education has a role to play in removing barriers, providing inspiration and raising aspirations.

Key facts

  • The poorest children are 11 months behind when starting school
  • Wealthy children are 2.5 time more likely to end up wealthy
  • Disadvantaged young people are more likely to become NEET

Key themes

The enterprise coordinator and the 14 to 19 team held a professional development event, ‘Challenging disadvantaged through an inclusive approach to careers education'. The key themes were:

  • social mobility: the role of careers in helping develop equality of opportunity
  • inspiring collaboration with internal and external stakeholders
  • tailoring support for students from disadvantaged backgrounds
  • success and performance: what is needed from data collection and success criteria
  • effectively monitoring and evaluating the success of careers programmes and strategies
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