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Luton Borough Council

Driving change – improving health equity


Health equity town subgroupls  

Priority areas are identified with subgroups leading to drive further work on the health equity town (HET) recommendations.

These groups aim to work collaboratively with strategic activity already underway to specifically embed the health equity approach and recommendations, and thereby strengthen impact on health equity.

There are four priority areas:

Children and young people HET subgroup


  • The Children and Young People’s HET strand is using a quality improvement approach to development. This will involve using quality improvement tools and processes to identify the issues and drivers that will move the recommendations from the report forward.
  • Work areas that are being developed and are in early stages of implementation include the following.

Monthly MMR vaccination clinics

  • Monthly MMR vaccination clinics in settings in targeted areas of the town to improve uptake of MMR and all other childhood vaccines.
  • These have been successful in vaccinating over 130 under vaccinated children in Luton since February.

Family Hubs Programme

  • The Family Hubs programme continues to support families in the most deprived areas of the town around parenting, mental health and infant feeding.
  • The app and website has been launched this month (June) and will ensure more families can access Family Hub information and support.

Healthier Wealthier Families programme

  • We're working with the ELFT to develop the ‘Healthier Wealthier Families programme’.
  • This was previously delivered in Newham and Tower Hamlets and enables healthcare and financial support are co-located to enable families experiencing poverty and poor health to gain benefits from both in one setting.

Housing and health HET subgroup

Luton is expected to see more development over the coming years. It's crucial that neighbourhoods are created that promote healthy environments and places. Good urban design can contribute to facilitating better health outcomes.


  • This subgroup represents Housing and Health subgroup as part of Luton’s health equity system.
  • The subgroup will contribute to keeping oversight and strategic delivery of housing and health actions, linking to the recommendations in the Marmot report and beyond as appropriate.

Annual strategic housing and health plan

  • Develop and deliver an annual strategic Housing and Health plan focusing on addressing the recommendations from the Marmot report and monitor performance indicators against individual actions.
  • Ensure the value of being a HET is understood amongst partners and clearly embedded in housing related actions and projects.
  • Provide advice within areas of expertise on Housing in order to deliver HET ambitions.
  • Support the delivery of co-production, engagement and community input where appropriate.
  • Provide progress reports/updates to the HET partnership as a key sub-group to the partnership.

Net zero HET subgroup


  • The Net zero subgroup consists of climate change experts along with health, housing and sustainable travel.
  • The task for the group is to take forward the strategic Marmot recommendations and turn into an action plan.
  • The group is chaired by an external climate change expert from the wider community.

Review of Marmot recommendations

  • Align health and climate goals, working with partners and communities to transition away from carbon and build resilient communities that are well adapted to respond to climate change impacts.
  • Establish regular meetings between inequality and sustainability leads in the NHS, local communities, the VCFSE sector and local authorities to monitor net-zero policies for equity impacts.
  • Work with local economic partnerships and anchor organisations to support actions to encourage employers and staff to adopt carbon- neutral modes of transport (including walking and cycling) and work environments. Invest in new walking and cycling infrastructure, particularly in areas of deprivation.
  • To undertake a gap analysis, along with identifying health gains.

Employment and skills development update


Continued wider workforce wellbeing includes supporting Good Business Charter accreditation work through Inclusive Economy.

  • Coaching: worked with commissioned provider and LGA for cultural competency training.
  • Wellbeing support for SMEs: implementation and delivery of wellbeing support for small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) through the Open University Take Five to Age Well pledge, leaflets and health promotion.
  • ELFT: working with ELFT and adult learning, a passport to employment programme has been established to support mental health service users into employment. They have facilitated courses and sessions for people to complete through Passport to Employment.

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