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Luton Borough Council

Safeguarding children in care placed in Luton


Safeguarding children who go missing

Luton expects social workers from the placing authority to complete and maintain a risk assessment and actions to be taken in the event that children placed in Luton are absent of missing.

The social worker should ensure that the placement provider/carer has two recent photographs of the young person (face and full body length) which can be provided to the police should the child subsequently go missing/absent.

Multi-agency safeguarding procedures

Luton’s multi-agency safeguarding procedures for children who are missing from home and care in Bedfordshire can be found here:

Safeguarding Children and Young People who Run Away and go Missing from Home and Care (PDF)

Bedfordshire Police

Bedfordshire Police has a dedicated missing persons unit. The unit works from 8am to 10pm, Monday to Friday and 8am to 6pm Saturday and Sunday.

You can report a missing person online or call 101.

Safeguarding children who may be at risk of sexual exploitation

Children’s Services Referral and Assessment team

If you have a child in care placed in Luton and you are having issues with child sexual exploitation in Luton, please contact the Children’s Services Referral and Assessment team duty manager at Luton Borough Council:

Telephone: 01582 547653

Interagency safeguarding procedures

Further information about child sexual exploitation in Bedfordshire can be found here:

Identifying and responding to child sexual exploitation in Bedfordshire(Bedfordshire Local Safeguarding Children)

Useful contacts

For more information and useful contacts for reporting and responding to sexual exploitation can be found here:

Luton Safeguarding Children Board - Child Sexual Exploitation

*Please note: The contact numbers for the Safeguarding Investigation Units and the Child Sexual Exploitation Unit are NOT for referrals around Safeguarding or CSE issues. Any new cases, or advice, should initially go through the PPU Support Team at Greyfriars Police Station – 01234 846960, who will then disseminate accordingly.

Arrangements for managing allegations against professionals and carers

The Luton Interagency Safeguarding Children Procedures should be followed in response to any allegation made by a child in care against a professional or carer in the Luton area.

Luton Borough Council’s LADO, Paul James, can be contacted for initial consultation/advice on 01582 548069.

Referrals should be made in writing to [email protected]

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