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Luton Borough Council

Notification procedure

The process for notifying us of the start/end of the placement of a looked after child in Luton by another area authority.

All notifications of looked after children who are placed in Luton should be sent to the safeguarding and quality assurance service via secure email: [email protected]

The notification must state:

  1. the child’s name and date of birth
  2. whether the child is accommodated under section 20 or subject to a care order or supervision order
  3. the contact details for:
    • the child’s placing authority
    • the child’s Independent Reviewing Officer
  4. whether the child has a statement of Special Educational Needs and, if so, details of the local authority which maintains the statement.

Change of address and leaving placement

Change of address and notifications of looked after children leaving their placement in Luton should be sent to this address so that we can update our records:

Email: [email protected]

The safeguarding and quality assurance service will complete the register of looked after children and refer the information to the Luton Referral and Assessment team and the virtual school.

The referral and assessment team will enter the child’s details onto the children’s electronic system.

You can contact the Luton Referral and Assessment service on:

Telephone: 01582 547653
Secure email: [email protected]

Services available to looked after children placed in Luton by other local authorities

There are a number of looked after children placed in Luton by other local authorities. We would like to advise you about the resources and facilities available for looked after children and young people who may be placed in Luton by your local authority.
Within the attached information we set out the process to notify us when a looked after child or young Person is placed in Luton or when their placement arrangements change.
Please disseminate this information to relevant professionals within your Children’s Social Care service. We hope that this information will help your professional staff to understand and access services that are available to children and young people residing in Luton.
It would be helpful if you passed this information onto any of your foster careers based in Luton so they are aware of the services available to children and young people within the borough.
It would also be useful to receive similar information and contact details about services and opportunities available to any of our looked after children that we may have placed in your local authority.
Thank you to those directors who have already provided information about their local authorities.
© 2025 Luton Council, Town Hall, Luton LU1 2BQ