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Luton Borough Council

What will happen when I'm taken into care?

This page explains some of the new people who you will meet and who you will live with.

Getting a social worker

As soon as you are taken into care you will be given a social worker if you haven't got one already. This person has a duty to look out for you and act as your contact if you have any questions.

Depending on the situation they will explain why you are in care and keep you up-to-date with what is happening with you and your family.

They will find out about your health, education and general well-being to make sure you are OK.

Who you will live with

In the first instance, we will see if we can place you with family or friends. If this is not possible, we will look for a foster placement for you.

We try to get a local placement and keep you with your brothers and sisters whenever possible. We will also try and arrange it so that you can still go to the same school if it is appropriate.

You can have contact with your friends. See your social worker if this can be arranged.

You may be placed with a short-term or emergency carer, a foster carer or occasionally in a children's home or residential school.

Sometimes it won't be possible to place you locally or with your siblings. If this is the case, we will explain to you why this is.

Foster carers

Foster carers are people who look after other people's children in their own homes.

You may only stay with the carer a couple of days, but some children stay with their foster carers for years.

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