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Luton Borough Council

What to do before your bed bug appointment


Whilst the bedbug is not known to be a carrier of disease, the Council does recognise the bedbug as being an obnoxious pest with which to have to share a home and for that reason control in the domestic property is not free. However, successful treatment can be a lengthy process and the Council does not have limitless resources to counter this pest.

To ensure effective and successful treatment the Council expects the complete cooperation from the homeowner.Therefore, having identified that you have a bedbug problem at home and arranged for a visit from a pest control officer from the council you should make your home ready for the treatment.

The officer will require:

  • access to all areas that need treating – all bedrooms and beds and adjacent areas
  • beds must have been stripped and bedcovers put into sealed bin liners and placed in the bath for storage. Pay attention to the draws often built into divan beds which must also be emptied
  • all wardrobes, draws and bookcases to be emptied and contents placed in sealed bin liners and stored in the bath
  • all furniture to be pulled away from the walls for access to the back of the furniture and skirting
  • all pictures and posters off the walls and available for inspection

Council pest control officers are trained to Advanced Pest Management Diploma level and work within the restraints of the Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) regulations and other health and safety guidelines.

The insecticides used in your home will be used properly and safely and the pest control officer will advise you on any further precautions you need to take. However, you should be aware that no insecticides are completely safe and it is for this reason that the Council expect full cooperation from you to ensure that the infestation is eradicated quickly and efficiently with the minimum use of insecticides.

© 2025 Luton Council, Town Hall, Luton LU1 2BQ