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Luton Borough Council

Construction and demolition sites

We investigate complaints about construction and demolition sites and give advice to contractors so they can keep pollution to a minimum.

As construction and demolition sites are often near existing housing, noise, dust and smoke from the site can sometimes result in complaints from nearby residents.

To avoid complaints, we ask contractors to follow these simple rules:

Working hours

Working hours, deliveries and vehicle movements must be restricted to:

  • 8 am to 6 pm, Monday to Friday
  • 8 am to 1 pm, Saturday
  • No working on Sundays or Bank Holidays

In exceptional circumstances, working outside these hours will be permitted. Contractors must obtain prior agreement from this department and will be expected to submit a Method Statement detailing how they intend to control noise from the site.

Controlling dust and emissions

Any dust produced as a result of demolition, construction and vehicle movements must be kept to a minimum by damping down with water. Stockpiles of materials must be kept damp to prevent windblown dust.

Please follow the guidance on controlling dust and emissions, available to download below.

Controlling noise

On all sites, the best practicable means of minimising noise must be used:

  • all equipment should be maintained in good mechanical order and should be fitted with appropriate silencers, mufflers or acoustic covers
  • stationary noise sources should be sited as far as possible from noise sensitive properties, and where necessary, acoustic barriers should be used to shield them - such barriers may be purpose-made, or consist of site materials such as bricks or earth mounds
  • any piling should be carried out using a method which causes the minimum of noise and vibration
  • the movement of vehicles to and from the site must be controlled and should not take place outside the permitted hours unless with prior approval
  • employees should be supervised to ensure compliance with any noise control measures

No bonfires

No burning is to take place on the site. All waste materials must be removed from the site and disposed of at an authorised waste disposal site.

Involve the local community

Builders can do a lot to reduce the impact of a development by involving the local community and keeping them informed. For example:

  • write to local residents to let them know what you're planning and how long the development works are likely to take
  • provide a contact telephone number on your letter and site hoardings in case there are any queries
  • notify residents about particularly noisy work
  • schedule drilling, piling and other very noisy work to give residents some breaks
  • on larger projects, consider producing a residents newsletter or organise a meeting

Considerate Contractors Scheme

This is a national scheme set up by the construction industry. The aim of the scheme is to improve the image of the construction industry and to raise standards.

Sites that register with the scheme are monitored against a code of considerate practice designed to encourage best practice beyond statutory requirements.

Register your site with the Considerate Contractors Scheme.

Enforcement policy

We have adopted the central and local government concordat on good enforcement practice and our enforcement policy leaflet, available to download below, explains the approach that will be adopted by officers when carrying out our duties.

How can I make a complaint about a site or contact you for advice?


Contact info
Environmental health
Luton Borough Council, Town Hall, George Street, Luton, Bedfordshire, LU1 2BQ
Tel: 01582 510330


© 2025 Luton Council, Town Hall, Luton LU1 2BQ