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Luton Borough Council

Equal opportunities statement

Our equal opportunities policy statement.

Luton Borough Council recognises that its own employment and service delivery policies and practices can have a significant influence on the community at large and therefore intends to lead by example.
The council is committed to developing programmes of action both in its employment practices and services provision and to ensuring that its equal opportunities policies are implemented and monitored.
Everyone who works for the council will be expected to carry out their duties with due regard to this equal opportunities policy and strategy. In addition, the council has adopted the objective of “increasing trust and confidence amongst ethnic minority communities in relation to all its activities”. This is the result of the recommendations arising from the Stephen Lawrence murder inquiry.

To achieve the goal of ‘equality for all’ the council will, in carrying out its duties ensure:

(a) no discrimination on the grounds of age, disability or impairment, gender, HIV status, marital status, nationality, national origin, race, religious belief, responsibility for dependants, sexual orientation, gender re-assignment, trade union membership or any conditions which cannot be shown to be justifiable;

(b) that records of gender, ethnic origin, disability, sexuality and religion/faith/belief of all those seeking services from or employment with the council will be collected, maintained and monitored; the records maintained will not be made public and will only be used for monitoring purposes within the council;

(c) that when employing contractors and other agencies to undertake work for and on behalf of the council regard will be paid to the council’s equality policies and general guidelines as set out in the council’s “Securing Equality in Contracts” (Guidance Notes for Client Officers);

(d) that when allocating grants, will ensure recipient bodies clearly demonstrate their commitment to equal opportunities policies and provide evidence of implementation of such policies;

(e) that the council’s workforce is consulted with regard to the promotion and development of the Council’s equal opportunities policies and objectives and are aware of their responsibilities to promote and

(f) that each department develops, reviews and monitors detailed equalities action plans to ensure that the Council’s policy is adhered to and, in particular, nominate an appropriate officer to co-ordinate equality issues;

(g) that information is widely available, including translations, large print and on tape as appropriate;

(h) that improved physical access to Council premises for people with disabilities is given a high priority;

(i) all committees give formal consideration to the equal opportunities implications of the policy decisions they take.

This policy statement will inform all decisions taken by the Council and all actions by its employees Employment implement the Council’s policies;

As one of the largest employers in the borough, the council will:

  • demonstrate its commitment to equality in all aspects of employment, including recruitment, retention, career development, training, promotion and welfare;
  • take positive action with a view to ensuring that its workforce at all levels reflects the communities it serves;
  • inform all employees of this policy and of their rights to protection from discrimination, harassment or victimisation;
  • continue to review its recruitment, selection, promotion and other personnel practices to make sure that they positively respond to the demands of the equal opportunities policy;
  • create a supportive working environment where all employees can work free from discrimination and harassment;
  • treat failure to comply with this policy as a disciplinary offence.

Service delivery
The council provides services both directly and by working with other organisations and will promote equality of opportunity for all those who live, work or visit Luton by:

  • providing accessible information about services;
  • delivering services in ways which are appropriate to local needs and, whenever possible, removing barriers which may deny access;
  • using its powers to ensure that organisations providing services on its behalf operate in accordance with the aims of this policy.


  • the executive and the council’s committees are responsible for ensuring that this policy is implemented in their own areas of work.
  • the equalities unit and the human resource management division will be responsible for monitoring the effectiveness of this policy and recommending policy changes to accelerate progress towards greater equality.
  • senior management will be accountable for taking steps to ensure that this policy is promoted, understood and implemented by Council employees.
Contact info
People directorate
2nd Floor, Town Hall Extension, Upper George Street, Luton, Bedfordshire, LU1 2BQ
Tel: 01582 546000

[email protected]


© 2025 Luton Council, Town Hall, Luton LU1 2BQ