Luton Borough Council
About the social care team
The Social Care team provides a range of services, information, advice and support for disabled children and their families.
They work with families to support parents/carers to enable them to continue to provide care or manage their responsibilities effectively.
What is the role of the team?
The social care team will:
The social care team will:
- assess the needs of the child or young person and their family and offer support, advice and information as appropriate
- plan a programme of care if required in discussion with the family
- liaise with other agencies such as health and/or education to ensure help and support offered to families is co-ordinated
- provide short breaks for disabled children and young people where appropriate
- support access to practical help at home, personal care, play schemes and support groups.
Who is eligible for support from this team?
Children and young people aged 0-18 years who are substantially affected in their everyday living by:
Children and young people aged 0-18 years who are substantially affected in their everyday living by:
- a physical or learning disability
- sensory impairment* (hearing, visual or speech)
- complex health needs including those with palliative, life limiting or a life threatening conditions
- behaviour that challenges arising from a learning disability
- autistic spectrum conditions
*NB - Children and young people with sensory impairments may be allocated to the Sensory Impairment Team.
See below - "Do I qualify for Social Care?" for further details.
Referral Process
We support a range of community and mainstream services that can be accessed without the need for a formal assessment including:
- after school clubs
- leisure & sport activities
- childminding services
Follow this link for more information on children with disabilities or contact the Luton family information service on 01582 548888.
The Specialist Services within the team are:
- Shared care (day care, weekend & overnight)
- Direct payments
- Outreach support
- Home care
- Residential care
- Occupational therapy
- Transition Support
- Holiday playschemes
How do I get support from this team?
To access our specialist services a referral is needed, you can make a request for an assessment yourself or ask a teacher, family worker, health professional (eg your GP or health visitor) to do it on your behalf. Please see our Safeguarding Children webpage for details on how to contact MASH, for all assessment requests.
Contact info
ISCAN social care
Futures House, The Moakes, Marsh Farm, Luton, LU3 9QB
Tel: 01582 547465
Futures House, The Moakes, Marsh Farm, Luton, LU3 9QB
Tel: 01582 547465
© 2025 Luton Council, Town Hall, Luton LU1 2BQ