Special educational needs - Transport
The Passenger Transport Unit (PTU) is commissioned to provide appropriate transport for pupils and students with special educational needs (SEN).
Pupils and students are assessed by the SEN team to identify their needs. This information is reviewed by the travel assistance team to ensure that any application meets the current criteria as set out in the home to school policy.
if it meets the criteria, it's then passed on to the PTU who in turn arrange transport.
The PTU employs approximately 100 drivers and passenger escorts. The Passenger Transport Fleet consists of 70 vehicles mostly coach built minibuses many fitted with tail lifts.
A large number of SEN routes are contracted out to local transport providers.
Opening hours
PTU staff are available to discuss SEN transport issues between 7.30am to 5pm, Monday to Friday.
Central Depot, Kingsway, Luton, Beds, LU4 8AU
Tel: 01582 547219
Fax: 01582 547351
[email protected]