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Luton Borough Council

Personal educational plans (PEPs)


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All looked after children (LAC) must have a care plan. The PEP is part of the care plan. The PEP should be initiated by the social worker as part of the care plan but developed and reviewed in partnership with relevant professionals.

Social workers, carers, designated teachers and the virtual school should work closely together with the child to ensure that the PEP reflects the child’s needs.

The aim of the PEP is to build life chances for the child, and it should show:

  • how the child’s educational needs are being met
  • what support the LAC is receiving eg extra support in the school
  • education of the child or young person if not in school
  • extra tuition
  • out-of-school hours learning activities

Wherever a child is placed, the social worker and virtual school will initiate a PEP.

They'll need to ensure that agreed actions are carried out and that the Pupil Premium Plus (PP+) grant of £600 per term is being spent effectively by the school.

The PEP will contain actions that will be reviewed at the next PEP and should identify:

  • developmental needs linked to attachment and trauma
  • educational needs

Targets will be set to help improve the child’s educational attainment.

The social worker and the virtual school will ensure that the PEP is ready for the first care plan review and is monitored each school term.

How often is a PEP meeting held?

The PEP should be reviewed termly.

Who attends the PEP meeting?

Social workers, carers and designated teachers should all attend the PEP meeting and, with the virtual school, they will work closely together with the child to ensure that the PEP reflects the child’s needs.

What is the role of the virtual school in the PEP?

It’s the job of the virtual school to:

  • monitor the quality of the PEP
  • make all designated teachers, schools and social workers aware of the importance and procedures for PEP meetings

Is there an early years and post 16 PEP?

PEPS should be held for LAC:

  • in early years
  • in years 12 and 13
  • if attending colleges or higher education establishments

These PEPs should be monitored in the same way as PEPS for children aged five to 16 years.

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