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Luton Borough Council

Independent advice and guidance for young people post 16


It is the role of the personal adviser (PA) to ensure that all young people have been supported to apply for college, training, employment and help secure education, employment or training (EET) for year 12.
They offer:

  • intensive one to one support to help move young person from not in education, employment and training (NEET) to education, employment or training
  • independent advice and guidance (IAG) to young people in education, employment and training pathways

They'll also support young people:

  • to apply for college and training, make applications and follow up support for interviews to secure places at college
  • to seek work and apply for training opportunities such as apprenticeships and study programmes and other PDO’s such as Princes Trust
  • on interview skills and to try and secure work
  • to look for work, create CVs and help apply for job

In addition, PAs will:

  • support young people to look at all options available to them when they are NEET to try and encourage young people to gain skills through volunteering, work placements
  • liaise with a variety of agencies to support young people when they are NEET - for example, YOT, social services, semi independent placement or foster carers
  • liaise with colleges and training providers to monitor progress and to try and prevent young people becoming NEET
  • attend post 16 personal education plan (PEP) meetings to ensure support is in place and the young person is supported in their educational setting to help them obtain qualifications
  • attend looked after children (LAC) reviews where appropriate
  • have involvement with education, health and care plans – attending reviews and education meetings
  • take young people to open days and interviews, attend GP appointments and travel work
  • travel out of county to support young people and offer IAG – linking with other organisations to support the young person

Support is available to all care leavers aged between 16 to 25 years. The PAs will help young people apply for bursaries and financial support for education in higher and further education.

The Virtual School celebrates the achievements of LAC and care leavers at the annual Bright Star Awards. Award winners receive a trophy, certificate of achievement and a shopping voucher.

© 2025 Luton Council, Town Hall, Luton LU1 2BQ