Luton Borough Council
General election results 2017
Luton North
Election | Parliamentary |
Date of Poll | Thursday 8 June 2017 |
No. of Vacancies | 1 |
Constituency | Luton North |
Electorate | 66,811 |
Verification Figure | 46,742 |
Percentage Turnout | 69.96% |
Name | Description | Votes |
Simon David Hall | Green Party | 648 |
Kelvin Peter Hopkins | Labour Party | 29,765 |
Caroline June Kerswell | Conservative Party | 15,401 |
Rabi Martins | Liberal Democrat | 808 |
Total | 46,622 |
Luton South
Election | Parliamentary |
Date of Poll | Thursday 8 June 2017 |
No. of Vacancies | 1 |
Constituency | Luton South |
Electorate | 67,188 ; |
Verification Figure | 46,248 |
Percentage Turnout | 68.83% |
Name | Description | Votes |
Abid Ali | Independent | 160 |
Dean Russell | Conservative Party | 14,879 |
Marc Scheimann | Green Party | 439 |
Gavin Shuker | Labour and Co-operative Party | 28,804 |
Andrew Strange | Liberal Democrats | 1,056 |
Ujjawal UB | UKIP | 795 |
Total | 46,133 |
© 2024 Luton Council, Town Hall, Luton LU1 2BQ