Luton Borough Council
General election results 2015
Luton North
Election | Parliamentary |
Date of Poll | 7 May 2015 |
No. of Vacancies | 1 |
Constituency | Luton North |
Electorate | 67,329 ; |
Verification Figure | 42,950 |
Percentage Turnout | 63.79% |
Name | Description | Votes |
Kelvin Hopkins | Labour | 22,243 |
Dean Russell | Conservative | 12,739 |
Allan White | UKIP | 5,318 |
Aroosa Ulzaman | Liberal Democrat | 1,299 |
Sofiya Ahmed | Green | 972 |
Total | 42,571 |
Luton South
Election | Parliamentary |
Date of Poll | 7 May 2015 |
No. of Vacancies | 1 |
Constituency | Luton South |
Electorate | 67,741 ; |
Verification Figure | 42,677 |
Percentage Turnout | 63.00% |
Name | Description | Votes |
Gavin Shuker | Labour | 18,660 |
Katie Redmond | Conservative | 12,949 |
Muhammad Rehman | UKIP | 5,129 |
Ashuk Ahmed | Liberal Democrat | 3,183 |
Simon Hall | Green | 1,237 |
Attiq Malik | Independent | 900 |
Paul Weston | No to terrorism, yes to Britain | 158 |
Total | 42,216 |
© 2024 Luton Council, Town Hall, Luton LU1 2BQ