On this page...
We welcome petitions from our residents and recognise that they are one way in which you can let us know your concerns.
You can present a paper based petition to us or create a new ePetition online.
All petitions will receive an acknowledgement within ten working days, where we'll also set out what we plan to do with the petition.
Online petitions are the easiest way to submit a petition and be can be created online.
The petition organiser will need to register using their own name, address and email address. The petition must:
- give a clear indication of the issue and the action required by us
- comply with the petitions criteria set out in this scheme
How to sign an ePetition
ePetitions can be viewed and signed online on our ePetitions website. A name, address and postcode will be required. It is important the information given is accurate.
Paper based petitions
We welcome petitions and recognise that they are one way in which people can let us know about their concerns.
How can I submit a paper based petition?
In summary, paper based petitions submitted must:
- relate to functions that are the responsibility of the council
- contain a clear and concise statement of the subject of the petition and stating what action the petitioners wish us to take
- have the name, address and signature of any person supporting the petition and the date it was signed
- have at least five signatures to be considered valid
Petitions should be accompanied by contact details, including an address, for the petition organiser. This is the person we will contact to explain how we will respond to the petition.
If the petition does not identify a petition organiser, we will contact the lead signatory (ie the first named person on the petition) where contact details have been given
Paper petitions should be submitted to:
The Democracy TeamGround floor
Town Hall
If you have any questions about the petition process, please contact our business support officer on 01582 546034.
Click the green button below to download our petition scheme document where you will find more information on:
- how we will respond to a petition
- full council debates
- petition reviews