Luton Borough Council
Children Families and Education Services
Council departments
Children and families social work
- Multi agency safeguarding hub (MASH):
- contacts and referrals
- Child protection and assessment:
- family safeguarding: north, east, south, west and central
- specialist assessment team
- care proceedings administration
- Corporate parenting:
- children in care - 0 to 13 years
- 14+ team - 14 to 25 years
- fostering placement service
- adoption team
- Manor Contact Cntre
- child participation officer
Quality assurance, safeguarding and performance improvement
- Children’s strategic safeguarding
- Child protection chairs and independent reviewing officers
- Local authority designated officers
- Principle social worker – children and families
- newly qualified social work staff coordinator
- Local safeguarding children’s board
- Business support
- Sexual exploitation
- No recourse to public funds
- Policy and procedures
- Audit and the child’s voice
Prevention and early intervention
- Luton flying start – pregnancy to five strategy
- Flying start children’s centres
- Early help team including stronger families programme
- Family information service
- Channel
- Youth advice
- Targeted youth work
- Special educational needs and assessment team including local offer
- Special educational needs support
- Educational psychology
- Special educational needs and disability, information, advice and support (SENDIAS)
- Youth offending service
- London road resource centre including shared care
- Transition team
- Children’s occupational therapy
- Children with disabilities team
Education, support, challenge and intervention service
- School improvement services – early years, primary and secondary
- Monitoring and moderation of statutory key stage assessments
- Early years
- Health education in schools
- School admissions and appeals
- School place planning and school organisation issues
- Non SEN school transport
- Access to education, including support for Gypsy, Roma and traveller children
- Safeguarding in education
- Childcare advice and support - safeguarding and well-being for the private voluntary and early years sector
- The virtual school for LAC
- Standing advisory council on religious education (SACRE)
- Alternative learning and progression service - including medical tuition
- Children missing education
- Elective home education
- 14 to 19, post-16 providers
- School catering
- Music service
- Governor services
- Traded services for schools
© 2024 Luton Council, Town Hall, Luton LU1 2BQ