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Luton Borough Council

Antisocial behaviour case review


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Community trigger information

If you are personally suffering the effects of antisocial behaviour, it has been reported to the council, police or your landlord and you are not satisfied with the action that has been taken, you are entitled to have a review conducted. This review will look to identify any opportunities for additional work that will have a positive impact on the issue and will ensure that all responsible organisations work together with an aim to resolve the issue.

The Antisocial Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014 sets out the requirement for relevant bodies in a local authority area to make arrangements for, and to carry out, antisocial behaviour case reviews – which are also known by the name ‘Community Trigger’.

Wherever you live in Bedfordshire, the antisocial behaviour case review process is the same.

We understand that it is good practice to have a number of methods to contact an organisation:

  • with us you can use websites
  • the phone
  • write a letter
  • ask in person for help

If you need any assistance in completing the form, please see our contact details at the bottom of the page.

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Initially we only require basic information to get the process started. The form is designed to be clear and easy to complete, it is acceptable for a person representing you to assist you or fill the form in for you.

By requesting an antisocial behaviour case review you will be starting a process which will get your local council, the police and other organisations working together to identify what can be done to better tackle the antisocial behaviour that is affecting you.

  • You will have the opportunity to speak to the organisations responsible for helping you and to ask questions of those organisations.
  • You can make suggestions and take an active role in resolving the issues that affect the way you have to live your life.
  • You can stop the process at any time.

The antisocial behaviour case review is not a complaints procedure and it will not examine how a particular agency or agencies have tackled a problem in the past; instead it focuses on the existing situation and what more can be done. 

The case review process allows a complainant to have their case reviewed where, despite having reported at least three separate incidents to one or more relevant bodies, the issue has still not been resolved to their satisfaction.

To meet the qualifying requirements for the case review procedure, the incidents will have to meet the following criteria:

  • they must be reported within one month of the behaviour occurring.
  • a complaint made to several agencies at or around the same time will only count as one complaint.

The completion of diary sheets as part of an investigation process will not be considered as a reported incident.

An application for a case review to be carried out needs to meet the following criteria:

  1. Three separate incidents reported by an individual in a twelve-month period
  2. The application for review has been made within six months from the date of the most recent incident reported.

In any other cases where a case review application is received that does not meet the above criteria, the relevant bodies may still consider the threshold for a case review is met, by taking account of any of the following factors:

  • the persistence of the antisocial behaviour about which the original complaint was made, or
  • the harm caused, or the potential harm to be caused, by that behaviour, or
  • the adequacy of the response to that behaviour.

You will receive acknowledgement of your request for an Antisocial Behaviour Case Review within five working days. 

If you meet the threshold for an antisocial behaviour case review the first meeting will be held within 28 days. 

You can request an antisocial behaviour case review by completing the application form by downloading the form below or by requesting an application form in writing, address details can be found at the bottom of the page.

If following your application for a Community Trigger (Case Review) you are advised that the threshold is not met or following review you still remain dissatisfied with the outcome, you have a right to appeal the decision. You are entitled to have your review heard within 15 days of the appeal being received.

The Antisocial Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014 sets out the requirement for agencies, including us, to make arrangements for and to carry out antisocial behaviour case reviews - otherwise known as the community trigger.

Together these agencies can review antisocial behaviour cases and consider actions that could be taken in order to find a solution for the victim or complainant. The reviews focus on the current situation and what else could be done, and not as a complaints procedure.

At the end of each financial year, we will publish data relating to the case reviews. During 21/22, Luton Council received five applications for antisocial behaviour case reviews (community trigger).

Breakdown of the applications are detailed below:

At the end of each financial year, we will publish data relating to the case reviews. During 23/24, Luton Council received three applications for antisocial behaviour case reviews (community trigger).

Breakdown of the applications are detailed below:

  • 1 application was declined after review as it did not meet the required threshold for a review to be carried out
  • 1 applications is in the process of being carried out
  • 1 review has been closed


2018 to 2019
Applications received: 1
Applications approved: 1
Applications not meeting threshold: n/a
Recommendations made: 0

2019 to 2020
Applications received: 0
Applications approved: 0
Applications not meeting threshold: 0
Recommendations made: 0

2020 to 2021
Applications received: 5
Applications approved: 4
Applications not meeting threshold: 1
Recommendations made: 3

2022 to 2023
Applications received: 3
Applications approved: 1
Applications not meeting threshold: 2
Recommendations made: 5

Contact us

Priority Antisocial Behaviour team
Luton Council Town Hall
T: 01582 546000
E:[email protected]

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Antisocial behaviour case review (community trigger)

Please use the below form to apply.


© 2025 Luton Council, Town Hall, Luton LU1 2BQ