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Luton Borough Council

Supporting Ukraine


#LutonTogether - Ukraine emergency appeal

This page is dedicated to the effort taking place across our community to help the people of Ukraine.

Our thoughts and prayers remain with all those affected in Ukraine, as well as their friends and family across the world.

But we are aware this situation is impacting on our whole community; we know that many people are scared and we have received requests about how best to help.

Luton has always rallied around when people are in need. We saw this most recently with the plight of refugees from Afghanistan and an incredible cross-community response to the Covid pandemic.

People of all backgrounds are welcome in Luton in the spirit of harmony and respect for diversity. We will never tolerate hatred of any kind in our community and condemn it when it happens elsewhere.

We are expressing solidarity with the Ukrainian people in line with the position of the UK nationally.

We understand this solidarity as an act of protest against the actions of the Russian government, and not in any way aimed at the Russian people.

This page provides information and signposting to the local and national campaigns supporting the people of Ukraine, and also to services that can support those worried about their own wellbeing or the wellbeing of their families here in the UK.

If you have a story or an appeal to share, please get in touch by email [email protected]

Homes for Ukraine

For those interested in housing a Ukrainian family in Luton, the government has released the following information about the Homes for Ukraine Scheme.

The Homes for Ukraine Scheme offers the following:

  • a route for those who want to come to the UK who have someone here willing to provide them with a home
  • enable individuals, charities, community groups and businesses to volunteer accommodation and provide a route to safety for Ukrainians, and their immediate family members, forced to escape their homeland
  • allow those hosting to provide accommodation for as long as they are able, but with a minimum expectation of 6 months

To be eligible for this scheme the individual must be a Ukrainian national or an immediate family member of a Ukrainian national and were a resident in Ukraine before 1 January 2022.

You can find out more information by visiting the following links:

Homes for Ukraine scheme launch

Homes for Ukraine scheme information

Homes for Ukraine scheme: frequently asked questions

Homes for Ukraine scheme - Council Tax

Other links you may find useful:

Foreign travel advice for Ukraine

Guidance on support available to Ukrainian nationals and their family members

Help for teachers and families to talk to pupils about Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and how to help them avoid misinformation

If you have any questions, please contact [email protected].

For other ways to help, please scroll down to find a list of organisations you may want to consider donating to.


Where can I donate?

The council is not collecting donations directly, but we have compiled a list of organisations and appeals that residents might consider supporting.



The UK's Ukrainian Churches and community groups, including those in Luton, have come together to launch an appeal to #HelpUkraine. You can find out more about it by visiting the Association of Ukrainians in Great Britain website.


Seeking support

You may have seen some particularly distressing and triggering content in the news over the past week. Looking after your own mental health is important.

If things are getting on top of you, mental health support charities such as Mind recommend taking a break from the news coverage.

“Try only looking at certain times of the day, for a limited duration”, they suggest, “and then doing something relaxing afterwards. Make sure to stick to reliable, trusted news sources that don’t engage in ‘what ifs’.”

You can read more from Mind on a Twitter thread they posted recently.

Samaritans are here to support you if you have been affected by events in Europe. Just call 116 123 if you need to talk to someone.

If you’ve been affected by anything you’ve seen or you may have a personal connection to what is happening in Ukraine, please know that you are not alone. Samaritans’ volunteers are here to listen 24/7.

Samaritans - Here is you need us image

Advice for schools, teachers and families

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is distressing and children and young people may have questions or be seeking reassurance. Having these conversations can be intimidating.

The Department for Education has put together this advice for schools, teachers and families to help guide conversations and encourage young people to avoid misinformation.

It is well worth a read before you have any conversations with young family members.

How to talk to children about Russias invasion of Ukraine image

A guide to local health services

Download the guides below. Please note, the documents may not be accessible for users of assistive technology.

© 2024 Luton Council, Town Hall, Luton LU1 2BQ