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Luton Borough Council

Passport to employment


Passport to employment is an exclusive and bespoke programme, designed to:

  • assess the needs of the local workforce
  • provide support to overcoming barriers in order to access the labour market


Image showing Luton branded 'Passport to Employment' leaflets

For individuals

This course will equip you with all the right skills to be ready to enter into the world of work by focusing on various educational and training options.

Over the coming years, there will be in excess of 18,500 new jobs in Luton; many of these will be highly skilled and with an above average salary. It's our intention through this programme to support local people in securing these jobs.

One of our aims of the Luton Investment Framework is ‘local jobs for local people’.

This programme has been designed and developed in partnership with Job Centre Plus, local employers and education providers, making sure that local people are prepared for working life with the core skills and standards that employers need.

Every person who completes the course will come out with a passport to employment certificate.

For employers

The programme can be delivered in partnership with employers one of the following can be developed:

  • bespoke activity
  • industry day
  • work experience

This will give you the opportunity to:

  • show potential employees the requirements of the job
  • test their skills and knowledge prior to moving to an interview process

Our dedicated team will work with you to shape a programme that supports you to gain the right workforce.

Find out more about our course below.

Passport to Employment

Contact us

For more information or to get involved please contact:

Tracey Attard
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: 01582 490033 or 01582 548541

© 2024 Luton Council, Town Hall, Luton LU1 2BQ