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Luton Borough Council

Employment and skills strategy for Luton

The employment and skills strategy for Luton will be a key pillar of the borough’s pursuit of inclusive growth to enable the delivery of the Luton 2040 vision.

Driven by partners through the Inclusive Economy Board and forming part of the Inclusive Economy strategy, the strategy will:

  • secure a strong economic recovery from COVID-19
  • protect jobs, incomes and businesses
  • enable us to build a more inclusive economy so that everyone can benefit from future growth

The employment and skills strategy for Luton was shaped by consultation with partners, businesses, education and training providers, community and youth groups during the autumn of 2021.

It will set out in detail the steps we will take to deliver on:

  • sustaining economic growth
  • skills for the future
  • local wealth building
  • a thriving town centre
  • a real living wage town
  • transforming lives through arts, culture and heritage
  • growing the airport

Target outcomes

A number of target outcomes have been identified to:

  • provide hooks for future funding opportunities
  • ensure maximum local benefits are derived from major projects and regeneration

These outcomes are:

  • a skilled workforce that meets the needs of local employers
  • more of our residents in high-value, well-paid jobs within Luton
  • diversifying our economy by supporting and growing key sectors including the green economy, digital, creative industries, manufacturing and aviation
  • a thriving town centre with the right mix of office, retail, residential and leisure space
  • more money spent locally, with increased social value from the public sector and anchor institutions


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