Health and safety officer - here to help
We share responsibility for enforcing health and safety law in work places around Luton with the Health and Safety Executive (HSE).
Report a health and safety concern at work
If your business is an office, shop, warehouse, residential care home or sells food, provides leisure activities or services to the public it is likely that we will be able to help you with health and safety in your business.
If your business is involved in construction, engineering or manufacturing work or is a school or NHS premises it is likely to that the HSE is your enforcing authority.
Every year we look at different types of business and try to focus on local problems and the highest risk activities to make sure that our efforts are focussed on the most important areas. We do a lot of work with businesses to help them comply with the law either when we visit or by providing advice and guidance.
Primary Authority Partnership – Any business that operates in 2 or more different local authority areas can form a primary authority partnership with a single local authority which will provide them with support and advice which can be applied to all of their sites. The aim of the partnership is to support businesses and create a level playing field where consistent advice can be applied across the company. We do not currently have a primary authority partnership, any business interested in discussing the viability of a partnership can contact us via our customer contact centre on 01582 510330.
Questions about health and safety
What to expect when a Health and Safety Officer visits your business
When a health and safety officer visits they will look at the workplace, work activities and the health and safety management system that the business has in place.
They do not always announce visits particularly when they are investigating accidents or complaints but may make appointments during a routine inspection to ensure that they speak to a senior member of staff.
Officers may ask to review paperwork which will include the following:
- health and safety policy
- risk assessments
- plant maintenance and inspection records
- training records
- accident records
What action can an officer take
If officers have any concerns then the following forms of action may be taken depending on the seriousness of the situation:
Informal - verbal or written advice/instruction/warning
- Improvement Notice - 21 days to comply with legal requirements
- Prohibition Notice - prohibition of a work activity or use of work equipment either immediately or after a specified time
Prosecution - if there is a failure to comply with notices
Sector Based Projects
We are involved in a number of projects aimed to improve health and safety standards in industry sectors.
Health & Safety in my business
Where can I get advice about health and safety in my business? If you can’t find the answer on our web pages we are happy to talk through any concerns on the phone or come and discuss them in person. If you would like to speak to a health and safety officer please call 01582 510330.
Where can I get health and safety training? Your employer has a responsibility to give you health and safety training and information that is relevant to your job. There are also courses that you can go on to increase your level of knowledge. We provide 2 training courses:
CIEH Level 2 Award in Risk Assessment
CIEH Level 2 Award in Health and Safety in the Workplace
Please contact us on 01582 546169 for up to date information on dates and prices.
Do I need a licence? Only a small number of businesses need a licence or registration. If you are involved in skin piercing, electrolysis, acupuncture, keeping animals for sale or breeding or boarding or have a scrap metal business you will need a licence or registration. A full list of the licences/registration needed is available on our licensing pages. (hyperlink licensing to their pages) If you run a food business please contact our Food Control team on 01582 510330 about registering with them.