Health and safety at work - regulation and inspection
We inspect offices, shops, warehouses, places used for leisure activities and other non-industrial premises within Luton to ensure they are safe for their use.
Report a health and safety concern at work
Health and Safety inspections are regularly carried out based upon the assessed risk of the operation within the premises. The higher the assessed risk, the more frequently the premises is inspected, and may occur without prior notification.
The officer will need to be satisfied that any risk to health, safety or welfare which can be reasonably foreseen, is adequately considered and controlled. The inspection will look at the level of training and understanding of managers and employees, and check that the premises is structurally and environmentally sound. The working practices will also be assessed to ensure that they are carried out in a safe and appropriate manner.
In addition to the above, if you would like us to inspect your place of work to offer help guidance or advice, please contact us so that we can make a appointment.
If you would like information as to how to report an injury, accident or dangerous occurrence at work, please go to the Riddor website.
If you are a new business, please use the H&S self assessment questionnaire below.
Luton Borough Council, Town Hall, George Street, Luton, Bedfordshire, LU1 2BQ
Tel: 01582 510330