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Luton Borough Council

Legionella management

Legionella is a naturally occurring bacteria that has been found in all natural fresh water systems around the world and is also present in small quantities in the mains water supply provided to buildings.

In a poorly managed water system these bacteria can multiply to levels where it poses a potentially fatal threat to humans.

Fixed Assets ensure that all reasonable precautions are carried out to manage the water systems in our council corporate and school buildings, along with some affiliated properties and have dedicated officers who are able to offer advice and management assistance. The control of Legionella is a statutory duty and if you have management control of a workplace it is likely that you will have a responsibility to control or assist in the control of Legionella. If you have any queries please contact Fixed Assets where can offer advice and help which includes policy writing, adherence to legislation, regular monitoring of water systems, and providing awareness training.

Please follow the link to be directed to the councils Legionella Policy and if you would like to know more please email us at [email protected].  


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