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Luton Borough Council

Beauty Treatments

The beauty sector provides a range of treatments and therapeutic services carried out to enhance physical appearance and well being. The treatments offered can have potential effects on public and employee health and safety.

We strongly advise all beauty operators to join an accredited professional entity for professional advice.

Guidance for employers to help them comply with the law is available from the Health and Safety Executive (HSE).

Employees’ health, safety and welfare at work are protected by law. This means that employers have a duty under the law to ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable.

The health, safety and welfare at work of their employees, and employees are consulted and informed about health and safety issues. Furthermore employees have a duty to co-operate with their employer by using the safe systems of work correctly

How as a business will you ensure good health and safety practices?

Identify the risks involved within your operation and who may be subject to these risks;
Is the premises laid out and designed for good health and safety practices?  Consider the following areas for good practice:
  1. Floors, walls & ceilings constructed of washable , cleanable materials.
  2. Separate sinks for “dirty “& “clean “ use. 
  3. Separate hand wash sink, with antibacterial soap and paper towel within the treatment area 
  4. Well lit work areas to facilitate safe practices and easy cleaning
  5. Work surfaces and areas that may come into contact with clients  are smooth and non porous for easy cleaning
Workers: asthma, dermatitis and other skin diseases, slips and trips.
Public: Skin burns, chemical burns, allergic reactions, potential contraction of blood borne and post procedural infections. Slips & trips.
Next identify the controls needed for hazards. Look for the simple things that you can do such as :
Keeping the workplace well ventilated.
Use good work techniques that avoid or minimise contact with harmful substances and minimise leaks and spills.
Practice good hand care – remove contamination promptly, wash hands properly, dry thoroughly and moisturise regularly.
For some tasks, you may also need to provide personal protective equipment like protective gloves, aprons and eye protection.
Train your self and your staff. The Chartered Institute of Environmental Health offers:  CIEH Level 2 Award in Health and Safety in Hair and Beauty.
This 1 day course offers candidates essential health and safety knowledge relevant to working in and around salons, including identification of workplace hazards, safety precautions and effective control measures.
Ensure that you and your staff are trained in the safe procedures  ( including pre treatment health questionnaires if necessary), within your beauty salon, and that these documents and training is recorded.
Do you have employers and public liability Insurance ? What will you do in the event of any claim made against you and / or the business?
Ensure that you have an accident book and that training has been given for dealing with an accident.
© 2025 Luton Council, Town Hall, Luton LU1 2BQ